This FibreconX Privacy Statement explains what personal data FibreconX collects, why we collect it, how we store it, and how we use it.

This Privacy Statement applies to FibreconX customers and their employees (and representatives), as well as associated parties, including:

  • End-customers, where FibreconX offers services via a wholesale relationship
  • Parties associated with the delivery of FibreconX network services, including building managers

This Privacy Statement also applies to FibreconX suppliers, including construction contractors, network vendors and building operators (such as data centre operators).

This FibreconX Privacy Statement came into effect on July 1st, 2021. FibreconX may need to update the FibreconX Privacy Statement over time, if so, FibreconX will post an updated version of the FibreconX Privacy Statement at

Why does FibreconX collect personal data?

FibreconX only collects personal data required to provide services to our customers and operate our business efficiently.

What personal information does FibreconX collect?

The types of personal data collected by FibreconX depends on the relationship the party has with FibreconX.

In general, FibreconX collects individual’s name and contact (phone, mobile, email) information for all individuals we interact with.

FibreconX also collects business site/address information of:

  • Customers, generally head office or regional office addresses, for the purpose of sending formal business correspondence (legal notices, invoices, etc).
  • End-customer service delivery locations, needed for the quotation and delivery of FibreconX services
  • Suppliers, for the delivery of network equipment, in order for the supplier to warehouse and/or install the equipment

FibreconX may also collect financial information relating to the companies, and also potentially the name and personal address of company directors.

For clarity, FibreconX does not collect any:

  • Date of birth, government issued identification details
  • Financial or private address details of any party, other than where required to perform due diligence/credit assessment
  • Credit card information
  • Data which traverses our dark fibre network.

How does FibreconX use your personal data?

FibreconX uses your personal data to operate our business efficiently. This includes:

  • Contact information of customers (name, email & phone numbers) to maintain a business relationship
  • Contact/address information of customers, end-customers, building management & contractors in order to deliver services to end-customers
  • In the case of financial information and director names/addresses, FibreconX uses this information to perform:
    • Due diligence on potential suppliers/contractors
    • Credit assessment on potential customers

How does FibreconX collect your personal data?

FibreconX generally collects personal information directly from the company whose personal information is retained by FibreconX. This may occur when parties:

  • Complete and share documents such as contracts, user registrations & order forms
  • Introduce other members in their organisation or related third parties (e.g. via email)
  • Through the sharing of business cards & contact details

Other sources of data include:

  • Existing business contacts of FibreconX staff, in the case of potential customers & suppliers
  • End customer and building management data, generally provided by customers to facilitate service qualification, quoting & service delivery.

Where does FibreconX store your personal data?

FibreconX stores personal data in electronic, and sometimes in hard copy form (e.g. business cards, hard copies of contracts). Where the information is kept electronically, it is generally stored on third party (IT system) provided platforms.

FibreconX uses a combination of technical solutions, business processes and security controls to manage the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data.

Does FibreconX share personal data with any third parties?

FibreconX limits the sharing of personal information relating to third party individuals (regardless of whether they are customers, end-customers, suppliers or contractors) to only FibreconX staff and third parties who need this information to perform their duty.

Third parties who FibreconX share personal information with includes:

  • Delivery partners (e.g. installation contractors), where required to deliver network services
  • Australian government (state and national) entities, including law enforcement, security agencies, regulators and other agencies, where required to required or permitted by law
  • Other parties, where required or permitted by law

In some cases, the organisations that FibreconX may disclose your information to may be based outside the location where the information is collected. For example, FibreconX may share your information with other parties in Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, countries within the European Union, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the UAE, Ukraine, United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Vietnam.

 Where FibreconX does this, FibreconX requires these parties to take appropriate measures to protect that information and to restrict how they can use that information.

How can you access or correct your personal information?

You have the right to request a copy of your personal information that FibreconX holds about you. There is no charge to submit a request or to correct information, however we may charge you an administrative fee for providing access to your personal information on request. If you believe your personal information needs to be updated or you wish to access personal information we hold about you, please contact FibreconX (details below).

Alternatively, this information may be managed in the FibreconX Fusion Portal ( If so, you can update the information yourself in the FibreconX Fusion Portal, or request a user with administrations rights to perform the update on your behalf.

How do I make a privacy complaint relating to FibreconX’s handling of my personal information?

FibreconX is committed to handling your personal information in a secure manner.

If you have a complaint relating to how FibreconX is handling your personal information, you can:

  • Contact us directly (contact details below) to discuss your concerns. Alternatively, if you have an account on the FibreconX Fusion Portal (, you can raise a complaint there. FibreconX is committed to acknowledging and resolving your complaint in an efficient manner.
  • While FibreconX would prefer to resolve complaints directly, if you would prefer to raise your complaint to a third party for resolution, the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman ( and Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ( are available to support you through the complaints process.

Who can I speak to within FibreconX to get more detail on privacy?

If you have any questions relating to the FibreconX Privacy Statement, please contact FibreconX via: